There’s always the other side
ethnographic film, 2018.
Treva Michelle Legassie
written in collaboration with Alejandra Melian-Morse, Alix Johnson, Marie-Eve Drouin-Gagné & Élie Jalbert
There’s always the other side is a three minute short film documenting traces from a research trip with the Waterways research group to the Jean R. Marcotte water treatment plant in Montreal. The film is an assemblage of the audio, video, and written documentation captured by Legassie, and others, during the research trip.
There’s always the other side takes sensing and an immersive intuitive approach to researching and capturing a site. Overlaying inputs from multiple channels of documentation (audio recording, cell phone photography, a DSLR camera and go pro; all shot in tandem by Legassie on site) the video work offers a multichannel audio-visual capture of the site. The voices present field note recordings from members of he Waterways research group documenting the individual experiences of Alix, Marie-Eve and Élie during the research trip.
In an attempt to rethink methodological approaches to anthropology, and specifically ethnography, by making work with visual and auditory ‘field notes’, There’s always the other side becomes a collage of research-turned-creation.