curated by Treva Michelle Legassie
featuring the research-creation work of:
Lucas LaRochelle—Zinnia Naqvi—Matthew-Robin Nye—Kalervo Sinervo—Enitan Adebowale—Garnet Willis—CRCC—AbTeC/IIF—Hilary Bergen—Suzanne Kite—Sadie Couture—Rebecca Goodine & Enric Llagostera—Jessica Bebenek—Ryth Kesselring—Skawennati—Treva Legassie—Ida Toft—Théo Chauvirey & WhiteFeather Hunter—Alexandre Saunier—Darian Goldin Stahl—Eileen Mary Holowka—Waterways—Charline Lemieux—Margaret MacDonald—Kinga Michalska—Yvonne Pelling & WhiteFeather Hunter—Abbie Rappaport—Sanaz Sohrabi—Kelann Currie-William—Tricia Toso
Sights of Feeling explores the embodied, qualitative and 'feeling' encounters provoked in the act of research-creation work. The ethnographic, game-based, performative, photographic, sculptural, and written works in this exhibition create a space for witnessing care, empathy, and marginalized voices. Sights of Feeling seeks to reveal some of the many ways in which research-creation work at Milieux 'sees others' and 'makes seen' through encounters outside of the more traditional bounds and segmented disciplinary knowledges of academia. Processual techniques of practicing and disseminating research in the academic milieu are made visible here, within, around and outside the Institute; gesturing towards a fleeting grasp of what it means to make, and to witness, research-creation.
We acknowledge this exhibition is being held on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather today. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations.